Wow, what a year 2020 has been. It's been weird, whacky and strangely wonderful. Amongst all the chaos that was put forth in the world, somehow I found order.
2020 started like any other year. Full of hopes and dreams...but then by March, that all changed. All of a sudden I was forced to take uni classes from home (not ideal at all), work from home and fight fellow civilians for toilet paper. Oh, the joys of first-world problems.
I'm going to take the glass-half-full approach and tell you why 2020 was my best year. Firstly, every year I reflect, the present year is always the year where I am that much wiser, smarter and better than the previous.
In my personal life, I got married in January before covid struck. I was also blessed with the amazing news that my wife was pregnant in October👶.
Professionally, I made a 180-degree shift in my career. Even though I was over 2 years away from finishing my Computer Science degree, I was encouraged by a software developer to start applying for jobs based on the work I had shown through my side projects.
I was lucky enough to score a job interview with the Universities Admission Centre and land my very first Software Development role. I was also lucky enough to land my first freelance job to develop a B2C (business-to-customer) app for iOS and Android.
In terms of professional development, I learnt Nodejs and React Native this year. It expanded my artillery to the backend and also app development. Both were done through Udemy, my number one resource for learning new technologies.
In 2021, I can only see bigger and better things with a lot more challenges ahead. I am excited thinking about the future and hope I can share this energy with anyone reading this.
Have a safe holiday break and see you all in the new year!✌️